
English Cloze Test 1

 What this approach lacks is the essential interaction with …(1)… and with other humans.
Indeed in many environmental activities the …(2)… takes place. A classic example of this is
 making of a herbarium or even worse, an insect …(3)…, so common in both formal and
 nonformal education in India. A child is …(4)… encouraged to pluck leaves and …(5)… and
run after butterflies with a net and is …(6)… of a large group of children similarly working a 
…(7)… of nature within it. Such a child is not likely to develop any strong …(8)… of respect 
for nature, or for the individual ‘specimens’ pressed in the …(9)… file or trapped in a jar. It
is worse when the activity is also competitive, i.e., who …(10)… the maximum.
1. (A) habit
(B) tradition
(C) practice
(D) custom
(E) nature
2. (A) antonym
(B) against
(C) enemy
(D) opposite
(E) opponent
3. (A) gathering
(B) compilation
(C) collection
(D) assembly
(E) bulk
4. (A) oft
(B) often
(C) frequently
(D) mostly
(E) many
5. (A) flowers
(B) petals
(C) buds
(D) blossoms
(E) delight
6. (A) division
(B) segment
(C) particle
(D) portion
(E) part
7. (A) piece
(B) thatch
(C) plot
(D) patch
(E) spot
8. (A) thinking
(B) experiencing
(C) feeling
(D) knowing
(E) viewing
9. (A) sapling
(B) plant
(C) creeper
(D) nursery
(E) tree
10. (A) collects
(B) meets
(C) piles
(D) gathers
(E) assembles
1. (E)
2. (D)
3. (C)
4. (B)
5. (A)
6. (E)
7. (D)
8. (C)
9. (B)
10. (A)
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